Evidence-Based Training in CBTp

We use the ACCESS model of evidence-based training and dissemination (Stirman et al., 2010). This means that for organizational trainings we meet with you by phone/teleconference call prior to the training to discuss your needs, tailor the workshops specifically to your organization, and determine possible obstacles to implementation and sustainability that we then endeavor to overcome from the start. Because we know that trainees lose 50% of the knowledge they gained at a workshop through attrition in the seven days following it, and that follow up coaching calls are necessary to prevent this and create clinical practice change, all training packages include at 6 months of follow up coaching calls. We are also now providing all trainings as a hybrid of online, on-demand didactic material and live clinical practice webinars, which again maximizes learning and minimizes the likelihood of training fatigue.

Please contact us for more information on how to set up a training for your specific organization or fill out our contact from below with details of the training you are looking for.

For your convenience we have transitioned all our workshops to a hybrid of online, on demand learning that you can complete at your own convenience, and shorter live experiential workshops during which you will learn and practice relevant clinical skills. Please reach out if you have any questions about this transition.

*We are now offering organizational pricing for our Online On-demand course The Fundamentals Behind CBTp* This interactive course is suitable for licensed clinicians as well as frontline staff such as psych techs, nurses, vocational rehab specialists, case managers and peer specialists. It covers key topics to increase client engagement, staff empathy and rapport building, and reduce staff burn-out. It is available with or without CE credits depending on cost preference. Please email us here for more information and pricing.

Potential Workshop Topics

(All of which can be tailored to your specific organization needs and all currently happening via Zoom)

CBT for Early Psychosis

This is our most popular training and provides online interactive material plus 3x three hour live clinical practice webinars in CBTp aimed for those clinicians working in coordinated specialty care teams for early psychosis. Clinicians and other staff will be introduced to a maintenance formulation model of CBTp. Staff will get the most from this training if they have basic competence in general CBT.

Group CBTp for Psychosis

Many clinicians are providing CBTp for psychosis in a group setting but unsure of which protocol to chose. This training covers 3 different Group CBTp protocols and the specific settings they are appropriate for. Delivered via online interactive material plus 1x three hour live clinical practice webinar. Staff attending this training must have previous training in CBTp.

CBT for Clinical High Risk for Psychosis

Another of my most popular training, delivered via online interactive material plus 2x three hour live clinical practice webinars in CBT aimed for those clinicians and other staff working in specialist teams for Clinical High Risk for psychosis. Staff will get the most from this workshop if they have basic competence in general CBT.

Advanced CBT for Psychosis

Is your team already trained to competence in CBTp? Looking to advance their skills with the addition and evidence based integration of third wave interventions (Acceptance and Committment, Compassions focussed, Mindfulness etc.) plus additional techniques in working with command auditory hallucinations and dual diagnosis PSTD plus psychosis? Delivered via online interactive material plus 2x three hour live clinical practice webinars. Staff attending this training must be proficient in CBTp first.

Fundamentals Behind CBT for Psychosis

The first step in your staff’s CBTp learning journey. This course covers key principles that underlie CBTp including the normalization of delusions and hallucinations, empathy enhancement and communication; and is beneficial to both licensed clinicians working towards accreditation in CBTp and to front line staff looking to increase their knowledge and skills in working with psychosis. The course is available in an entirely online, on-demand format and includes options for individual sign up or discounted bulk organizational pricing.

3 Steps to Transform your Interactions with Patients with Psychosis

Does your staff work with patients with psychosis in a frontline capacity as nurses, psych techs, patient care assistants or technicians? Then this course is for you! As licensed psychologists who have worked inpatient for many years in NYC, we appreciate the stressors that nursing staff are under when working with folks with psychosis: frequent verbal aggression and potential for violence from patients on the one side; and pressure from administration to provide cutting edge evidence based treatments all while completing your standard of work on the other. This online, on demand course takes less than 4 hours to complete and is available for individual sign up or discounted bulk organizational pricing.

Client Testimonials

Yvonne Dubois LMSW, MBA

Training Manager for the Training Department of Human Resources

Erie County Medical Center

“The staff who took the training were able to put her training content into immediate practice.”

“At the time that the training happened the staff were really happy and really pleased to be able to put a lot of her practical advice into immediate practice and to really gain an understanding of what it is like for someone with psychosis.”

“I think so many practitioners get into behavioral health work hoping to help, hoping to change things, to make a positive impact but have very little understanding of what it’s like for the person in the body. So having someone who has both personal and professional experience come provide that training in a way that humanizes psychosis and you’re not just seeing someone in a state of crisis, I think was really meaningful for a lot of the practitioners.”

“I can say if you are looking for something to put into immediate practice to immediately increase empathy and connect more with your work, then it seems like, if you can do it you should do it. It should happen. Especially now, we are in the midst of a global pandemic, so the people who were even at the edge before of maybe having their first onset experience of psychosis, this is the precipitating event that will push people over the edge. There are even more people at risk now. Mental health staff are going to need more support and more education so to have that happen in the same training it seems like you should do it if you have the means to do it.”

Jermaine Barkley, MA

First Episode Psychosis Grant Coordinator

Health Choice Arizona

“We got overwhelmingly great feedback from the participants on her training. They found it helpful.”

“There were many people who weren’t practicing CBTp yet, who are practicing CBTp now as a result of the training and the consultations that came after.” “I would recommend you do the consultations afterwards because you get a chance to talk about actual cases and take what you learned and make more sense of it in practice.”

“She (Dr. Riggs) provided a lot of information in a short amount of time. She was really great about answering questions. She didn’t leave any pieces of the training ambiguous. You didn’t have people walking away saying I didn’t understand that part. I would recommend pairing it with consultation.”

Jesse Gonzales, LCSW

Clinical Coordinator


“The training helped me, our staff and community by having some CBT skills specifically for CHR since it’s a little bit more specialized and difficult to find trainings specifically for CHR.”

“Everyone really appreciated it (CBT for CHRp training) and thought it was excellent.”

“I would say that there are a lot of challenges to working with a CHRp population and that this training is really helpful especially for working in an individual or one-on-one context.”

“As far as doing individual work, it’s helpful and excellent and gives a framework or structure to approaching individual therapy.”

“I appreciate Sally’s professionalism and expertise in the area and thought it was excellent and really helps with my individual work with this population.”