How to Work with Psychosis in Private Practice

  • Were you passionate about working with psychosis in graduate school and your early career but can’t fathom how to do that outside of an agency or salaried public healthcare setting?
  • Are you keen to work with psychosis in your private practice but can’t figure out where to find referrals or how to set things up so that everyone you work with (including you) is safe?
  • Have you worked in private practice for a while but recently discovered that one or more of your clients have unusual experiences and don’t know how to fully support them logistically in your practice?

Dr. Riggs had the vision to pioneer gold standard CBT for psychosis in private practice because she believes people with psychosis deserve to attend therapy in a discreet, nurturing setting, away from the stressors of a busy out-patient waiting room, just as much as any body else! When she launched her private practice in 2015 she soon realized it would take a lot to break the mould and go against the unwritten rule “you can’t do that in private practice”. Those first few years were tough. She failed big and she failed often. But in the words of Brene Brown “failure can become our most powerful path to learning if we’re willing to chose courage over comfort”. Five years later she is willing to share that learning journey with you and help you transform your private practice to be safe, profitable and inline with your values!

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Sally is really, really great. She’s very helpful and very gentle. She guided me in the right direction and I felt a lot better after talking with her. And I think so far the results have shown that it was helpful. I think she’s really great at helping to orient people like me. Before the call I was feeling worried that I needed to be doing more work I wouldn’t get paid for. I think she really helped me see that the extra work was not necessary. Coming from a public institution like the VA to private practice, especially working with patients with psychosis, was just a big shift. So she was really helpful at orienting me to more of a private practice mindset and prioritizing my needs and making sure I’m getting adequately reimbursed for everything I’m doing. I thought it was really helpful and I think it’d be really helpful for other people trained to work with patients with psychosis. The process of working with Sally was really easy. Yeah, it was great.

Emily Owens, PhD

Cognitive Behavior Associates